spring has sprung
well spring break was nice while it lasted. but now its over. we got a lot of stuff done and were too busy working or playing to really relax. Akello beat his strep throat but then got a fever three days later, but only for one night...so that was good. i gave akello a haircut (tonight) and messed up a little.
my parents visited,
michelle visited and brought more clothes as well as some chairs from ikea houston for our school. i cut the legs off of them and now we can use the table thats been in our garage for almost a year. (pics later)
akello has doubled his food intake
we cleaned up the office, cleaned up the yard...
i did some sxsw, visited with friends
theresa figured out alot about what to do next year with the school
theresa spent the break observing students at a montessori school in georgetown to fullfil a requirement for her AMI degree. I stayed home with akello all week. we had a good time going to home depot and stuff like that. whatever we do, one of his balls has to be involved. he is nuts for this yellow one right now, "spikey ball!"
lot of play dates this week!
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