Sunday, April 25, 2010

i used to


i used to read alot of blogs. not anymore. i used to write alot of blog. not so much now. I was thinking the other day how come i have moved further and further away from writing on this blog. And i think its because of new media. Facebook and Twitter have taken the spot of me connecting to others via blogs. Now i connect much more efficiently with facebook.

I also will post pictures to facebook about once a week, but flickr? about once a month, if that. I must say that i think this blog has run its course. I'd also say that its rather sad to say that as well. i like the whole digital diary of things, and i think its great that i can look back on things on the blog and relive some moments. But i dont have time really. or i do, but i prefer to use that time in other ways. a while back i said i would write once a month. that didn't happen. so now im gonna say, once a year. we will see. for now i will just post pics to the flickr. thats not too hard. and right now im uploading alot of pics. all the way back to spring break!!!

so tata for now, and i invite you to join facebook to keep up with all the latest videos and pictures. and happenings in our life. until then, maybe ill write again come christmas. but who knows. maybe ill be back to once a week! or something.


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