cooped up

Were all cooped up here in the house due to the bad weather that has paralyzed central texas.
Icy roads all around! they even closed off all overpasses that connect to I-35.
Theresa and I have not really been too fazed by the whole thing. I have been sick for a while, so i couldnt do anything but rest and tuesdays and wednesdays are my days off anyway, and im used to staying at home on those days. so it was pretty normal, just cold. What was frustrating was the fact that my fridge is full of beer and i cant drink any of it b/c of my cold, or allergies, or whatever i have.

i am hoping that tommorrow is the day. i felt pretty good today cept for some congestion this morning.
Akello is better than me! he got a cold on monday night and he seems to have bounced back already!
we also think that he might have had pink-eye. We caught some early signs of it and squirted some breast milk in his eye immediatley! yES bREASTMILK! apparrantly its the cure for what ales you. Behold the power of breastmilk!
we have been continuing to apply warm compresses and milk squirts and his eye seems back to normal. well, not really squirts, but drops from a bottle.
We have been having a good time these past few days despite beeing cooped up. Theresa has been thinking more about her school and has decided to have it on thursdays and fridays from 9 to 12. she is going to be looking for 2 students ages 12 to 18 months (i think) im not sure on the ages, but she did decide on a lot of things after speaking with her friend Lara who runs a school herself.
New Art!

Akello received a gift for his baptism from Amy with The Sewcial Butterfly, a pretty red bird mobil! theresa put it on one of the pulls on the fan above. on the other pull she attached a ball via a red ribbon. Akello lays down on the sheepskin and kicks the ball. the ball therefore moves the ribbon that moves that bird, that holds akellos attention, that gives daddy time to make breakfast! Thanks Amy.
The bird even has a little SB logo tag sewn in on the wing, a nice touch. i will post more pics and video later. in the background you can see akellos new gym mat. it fits perfectly between the wall and the shelf!
DESIGN STUFF/////////////////////////////
New Lamp!
i have been wanting one of these lights ever since i saw it at IKEA a couple of years back.
the KNAPPA! it weighs in at 24 bucks and a whole lot of "you put it together"
it came in this tiny box

I finally got clearance to buy one b/c of theresas upcoming school.
She wants to put our dining table against the wall so as to make room in the kitchen for a kids table. Well the only problem with that is that the pendant light will hit you in the forehead if you get to close to the table once it is pushed against the wall.
lets look at this file photo of how the kitchen used to look

As you can see, the Jbox is not centered in the room, even though it is centered in the middle of the blinds. so the only way to place your dining room table and have it centered is to put it like so. This complicates things when we have dinner for 6 and want to move the table the other way and put to chairs on the ends of the table. aggg frustration. So i knew we needed a pendant light on a cable.
Below is a picture of Eneas at the table in the new "schools in" location. i had just put up the new light seconds before. Now it is centered above the table!

we put it this way for the baptism reception, and with the new light it wasn't a problem, because i carefully measured and measured and measured again so as to get two correct locations for hooks to go into the cieling for the pendant to hang over depending on the positioning of the table.

(this pic is in dining mode)
Another thing that required measuring , measuring , and measuring again and some extra patience was the wiring. this light comes set to plug into the wall! wich is cool i guess, but i just needed the plus and minus cable. so i had to cut it at the right length to allow for all the right length + the wire that i had to dig out of the insulation and strip to conect it to the jbox.
the beads of sweat were starting to gather! but i pulled it off!
You might also notice that the clock that was in the original picture on the back wall has been replaced with our Bonnie Gammil art piece that was from the bedroom.
the clock was too small and had to much angulatur to be in such close proximity with the new light pendant. Bonnies piece looks awesome in the Dining area. We still need to tell time though and i moved another clock into the kitchen to fill the void.

yay!!!!!!! dining for six! and centered in the room!!!! its an awesome light. these pictures do it no justice. you can barely see the new clock on the left there. This is awesome but what this room really needs is a 42" circular table. more on that later......

Yay! You posted an entry about the bird. I love it! I am so glad he enjoys it. Hope to see you guys soon.
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