From the Desk of Theresa Garcia

The following was written by Theresa:
So, I am finally catching up with the events of Columbus Day weekend. It’s been hard to find the words and the time to express how meaningful it was. It was a reunion of sorts, an introduction, a welcoming. The majority of us have known each other for over six years, Michelle, Stephanie, Jamie, Marian, Gina, Rhonda and me. After some reminiscing we traced the lineage of our relationship back to Marian.

Rhonda and Akello
We’ve spread out through the years and only 3 of us including me still reside in Austin, 1 in California and 2 in New York. Austin is basically the center for us, home. As we came together we met significant others (Gil, Angela, Chris, Justin) broadening our circle of friends with even more loved ones. The circle is even extending to other generations as our children get to know each other Christa (5), Eneas (15 months), and Akello (7 weeks). We’ve had so much to celebrate in the recent years but few opportunities to get together. I feel so happy, proud and humble that the birth of Akello inspired this reunion.

Angela and Akello
Fact: Did you know that Akello means to bring forth? How ironic….
What a special time! I get to see my beloved friends. I get to be reminded that time and space cannot break the bonds of our friendship. I get to introduce Akello to more members of his extended family. His village is growing!!!!
The highlight of our weekend together was gathering at our house for a potluck.

Michelle and Akello
We noshed, we reflected, we caught up and Akello was able to go from person to person getting much love and attention.

His other young friends were also getting acquainted as Eneas (Michelle’s son) and Christa (Rhonda’s daughter) played around like brother and sister.

Having Eneas here was such a treat. He is full of energy and toddler curiosity. It definitely helped Gil and I get a glimpse of our future and the way we will need to childproof our home. Eneas was so sweet to Akello. He kept blowing kisses. He really loves babies. I can’t wait till they are able to play together.

Gil and Akello
Another highlight of the weekend is that I had my first night out while Gil stayed home with Akello.

Stephanie and Justin
We went to Trudy’s which is kind of a tradition and a must do when your in Austin. I skipped the Mexican Martini (another tradition) but allowed myself to have some of the spicy food I’d been avoiding. We had a great time hanging out although I have to admit it was hard being away from Akello but I’m glad he had some hang time with Daddy.
As the weekend came to a close it was hard to say goodbye. It went so quickly but we could rest assured that we will see each other again because Jamie and Chris are expecting their first child in April. So we’ll be having another reunion and celebration in 2007.

Jamie and Chris
Friends are priceless. Although we don’t see each other often or even talk to each other on a regular basis we are friends, deeply connected, we care about each other, we support each other and we celebrate each other.
I wish for Akello such friends such as these.

Marian and Theresa
And two from Albuquerque. Great pictures. I really miss everyone! Had such a nice time. Give that sweet baby Akello a kiss and a tight swaddle for me. :)~ Thanks so much Gil and T for letting Eneas and I crash at your place. Great place to be! Can't wait for you guy to come to our home. Love ya'll -m
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