weekend recap

Wednesday anita treated tia mona, me and akello to lunch at Mariano’s Mexican in Arlington. It was mighty tasty. Very good fajita nachos. The key to good fajita nachos is the fajita meat. But enough about nachos. And enough about rain. We almost cancelled our lunch because of the rain.
Akello enjoys the rain. He doesn’t mind getting wet and loves to watch the rain out the window.

Saturday’s outing was to see our friend Courtney who we hadn’t seen a a couple years. We had a great time visiting her in oak cliff on the day before she was set to leave for costa rica for a week. Akello enjoyed her new house too and was having a good time crawling around.

we loved her ottoman!
Afterwards it was off to Arlington to raid all the babysrus’s for training pants (more on that later) and to take Lona up on her invitation to hang out at her house and do laundry again. It was rainy so we didn’t get to swim. So there we were,
Anita, Mona, Lona, Carol, Carols twelve year old daughter, Akello, Bruiser,
Theresa and Me. watching nascar, eating chips and drinking beer. Theresa
caught up on her homework. Oh wait, it wasn’t nascar it was the “busch
series” I don’t know.

So we did laundry and feasted on chili dogs. Akello had a sweet potato. Lately Theresa has been letting akello explore the food that he will eat that day. She will put a pear on a plate in the living room and let him kinda mess around with it all day, kinda like a killer whale does with a baby seal. Then we cut it up in front of him. And feed it to him. So this time it was a sweet potato.

the zen bruiser
Akello was playing a little too rough with bruiser and almost got served a couple of times. Bruiser was a real trooper about it all and was playing good host. For dessert akello sucked on Lona’s Toes. It was pretty funny.

Lona let him do it too until she saw us notice what was going on. Then he moved on to her calves. She must use some tasty sunscreen or something. Palmers coconut
butter perhaps?
sunday we just kicked it at the house. T had a lot of homework that she needed to catch up on and i was all about taking it easy and getting ready for monday.
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